Fundraising Events and How You Can Help.
The fundraising efforts of the many businesses and individuals in the Monadnock Region, helps to cover the cost of food that The Community Kitchen purchases each year from the NH Food Bank.
Individuals & Organizational Food Drives
Throughout the Monadnock Region individuals and organizations are tirelessly creating ways to collect food and money for The Community Kitchen. Each year the Boy Scouts hold a collection day food drive that has exceeded 3,700lbs. of food.
In January of 2022 Conor Hill, a volunteer of The Community Kitchen, hosted a food drive on the Ashuelot Bridge collecting over 80lbs. of food in the freezing weather. Conor not only shared his food donations with The Community Kitchen, he also shared it with Tiny Tummies, another food insecurity organization in the Monadnock Region.
In November of 2021 Fuller Elementary School conducted a food drive for The Community Kitchen. Johanna Kress delivered these amazing boxes of food collected by the kids, teachers and employees of Fuller School not only shared his food donations with The Community Kitchen, he also shared it with Tiny Tummies, another food insecurity organization in the Monadnock Region.
Alternative Ways to Donate
Collect Food | Leave a Legacy | Hold Your Own Fundraiser
Children are sometimes the biggest donors! Even though they are young, they give of their time and from the heart. Let’s take Oscar’s lead and create your own food drive for The Community Kitchen!
Our young Hero, Oscar has done his Jelly Drive for TCK for the second year. 170 jars to be passed out in the Children’s Program. Thank you Oscar w/ family, friends and school mates!
Charitable Bequest – Consider including a gift or donation to support The Community Kitchen’s life saving work through your estate plan. For example, you can leave instructions in your Trust or Will stating that a gift should be made to The Community Kitchen upon your passing.
A charitable bequest is one of the most popular and flexible ways to support the causes that are important to you and your family.
Please consult with your attorney and financial advisor to discuss your wishes.
Nicholas Ball – owner, CEO and staff of Nick’s Famous Lemonade Stand raised a jaw dropping $1,372 but Nick doesn’t like uneven numbers so he personally rounded it up to $1,400! This money was used to buy food for the Kid’s part of the Community Kitchen’s Pantry Program during summer vacation.
Like Nick, you too, can hold your own fundraiser. This year Empty Bowls can be a private fundraiser with you and your friends. more>
Individuals & Organizational Fundraisers
Make a one-time donation and help provide assistance to individuals, families & children in the Monadnock Region.
For mobile users scan the QR code below.

Your Donation Goes A Long Way
. . . With The Help Of The NH Food Bank.
Even with all of the donations of food, additional purchases are still a necessary part of doing business. The NH Food Bank, USDA, local business and other discount food services help make it possible for The Community Kitchen to purchase food within our limited budget. We are proud to say that with the support of people like you, we are able to provide food at a reduced cost per meal.
Our Annual Fundraisers
Please support these local businesses.